Project CETI 2023 Annual Report

May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024

Project CETI is excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Annual Report! 

In 2023, we grew our science team to include over 50 scientists from 15 renowned research institutes and organizations worldwide, creating the most interdisciplinary interspecies communications science project to date.

Through their diligent efforts, we have created the next generation of biology-inspired whale tags that are equipped with microphones to record sound, customized aerial drones that allow us to carefully affix the tags from a farther distance and a new underwater glider that can swim along with the whales capture recordings of sperm whale codas. We’ve also continued to refine and customize our core whale listening stations.

During the summer, we also captured extensive footage and audio of a sperm whale birth in Dominica in the Eastern Caribbean where our research takes place. Such an event has not been witnessed by scientists since 1986 and the CETI science team is hard at work to analyze this data. The birth event was part of a feature on CETI in The New Yorker titled “Talk to Me.” 

A core component of CETI is local partnership in Dominica through programs like our Marine Fellowship Program,  a 10-month, multi module training program for young Dominicans interested in marine science that we developed in partnership with the National Geographic Society! We are excited to continue to deepen our partnerships in Dominica and engagement with local schools in the year ahead as we welcome our third cohort of Fellows.

We want to thank everyone who has been on this journey to listen to the whales with Project CETI, especially our donors, supporters, and partners. See what we have accomplished together by reading the report here.